In this series of Adventures in Service, you will get a chance to meet Venturing Crew 911 from Cincinnati, Ohio, as they help out with the Wounded Warrior Project, a project that provides programs and services to severely injured service members during the time between active duty and transition to civilian life.
Last winter, Snowshoe Mountain and Challenged Athletes of West Virginia teamed up to host the 4th Annual Wounded Warrior Project, and Crew 911 was on hand to help out with a weekend of skiing and other winter activities.
The young men and women Venturers have made service central to their mission as a crew, so the weekend was a perfect fit. They helped out with setting up facilities, serving meals, and even took the kids off the Wounded Warriors’ hands for an evening at the Snowshoe Mountain Big Top, while the Warriors attended an awards dinner.
Oh, and the crew got in some snow tubing, too.
Check out the video to see Crew 911 in action.