When you really need speed, nothing is better.

Thanks to medical pioneers such as Texas native and Eagle Scout Dr. Red Duke, injured civilians have the option of medical evacuation via helicopter.

To give jamboree Scouts a look at the technology, Pilot Geoffrey Field parked his Aeromedical Services Eurocopter EC135 P2+ helicopter in a landing area between Delta medical and STEM Quest on Tuesday morning. Field said the EC135 P2+ normally flies close to 140 mph and can hit a top speed of about 160 mph.

That’s fast. When you are badly hurt, every second counts. Being able to avoid traffic and quickly fly straight to the hospital can make a very big difference in whether you will recover from your injuries.

Helicopters have been described as inherently unstable aircraft that require constant attention. Field agreed with this assessment, and he added: “This helicopter is 50,000 pieces of equipment constantly being moved around, but it sure is fun to fly.”

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